Look at dem foots

Socks provided by the hospital for infants fall off. They are nothing more than a way to torture new parents - I picked up on that last time we were here. So, what I have done is stuff the socks with paper and placed the socks so they are just sticking out from under the blanket in Tate's bassinet. The effect makes him look about 3 feet long and unusally straight for someone only two or three days old. This has given me much pleasure. 

William Tate arrives

Here are pics of Tate before and after his arrival. William Tate Earle was born at 6:46 A.M. on September 10, 2011. He weighed 7lbs 2oz and was 20 inches long. Ali is recovering well from her surgery and Tate is adjusting normally. All is well.

Tate's last ultrasound

The last few times we have been to see Dr. Stone, Tate has not cooperated with the camera.  He didn't do great today either, but in the 2nd shot you can make out his face.  Looks like another baby with the Capell nose.  They did show me the hair he had on his head - which I hope explains all the heartburn of late.  We both got hooked up to some monitors today, and they were able to detect that I am having contractions - so maybe 6 days, maybe less.