
On the eve of Tate's 3 week birthday, here he is chilling in his bouncy chair and his swing.  By far, the swing is his favorite.  That is unless it is 7pm to 9pm.  At that time, nothing can make him happy, except being carried around by his daddy.  Mommy still can't carry either child around for any long period of time, but she can now get out of bed without screaming - so that is success.  


Warning - this video could make you sick from the camera movement - if you are the easy queasy type.

Here is Tate in his swing.  The swing Lily hated.  As soon as I turned the camera off, he fell fast asleep.  Apparently, he does not hate it, as she did.  

He Sleeps

Last night, the Midnight Rider decided he would forgo his seemingly established round of late-night Harum Scarum. And Ali and I are greatful. We hope this is the new normal ...

Lily watching over Tate

Ali brought along photos of Lil to tape to Tate's bassinet so he could start getting familiar with his sister. The nurses have all commented on how wonderful an idea this is. So if you need any wonderful ideas, go ask Ali ...